Monday, December 22, 2008

17 weeks?? NO WAY!!

Okay, so my pregnancy countdown ticker says 17 weeks til this little guy is due to arrive. 17 WEEKS!! Im kinda freaking out here. Thats like right around the corner!!

I have no fears that I will be able to handle parenthood okay. But I am deathly afraid of labor, giving birth, pain, bleeding, IV's....things of that nature. I just wish I could wake up one morning and have him magically appear. Yeah right...

Just had to let that out. Im thinking of starting a pregnancy blog, but I suck at this one, so Im pretty sure I will suck at that one too. Hmmm.....besides, he hates when I have the laptop on my lap, so he probably wont stand for more blogging.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yes, I am aware

I am very aware that I am a terrible blogger. I have all these ideas of what to write/blog about, and then end up being a huge flaker!! Maybe I will get some motivation soon. Right now, I just want a nap.

For the record.....I feel pretty good, and Im definitely eating for two!!

Be back later

Yep, I say that now, and later can mean tomorrow, or two months from now! Dont hold your breath.