Friday, August 8, 2008

I hate stupid people

You know, I say this quite often. I wish someone would just pack up all stupid people and put them all on one island. That way us intelligent people wouldnt have to be irritated with such idiocracy on a daily basis. Here are a few cases in point:

For the record, yes, I am well aware that I am not a parent (yet). I hate people that tell me not to judge their parenting skills because "you havent been there" That may in fact be true, but I do have one thing going for me, its called common sense. I dont think you need to be a parent to utilize that tool. So here goes

Hubby and I went out to breakfast last weekend. The restaurant we ate at has quite a long wait on weekends. We are aware of this, and we deal with it. There is a starbucks right next door, we buy a coffee, and wait patiently. Anyway, off tangent this family is waiting, right along with us. They had a young child maybe 2ish, not older than that. I guess he didnt appreciate the long wait, hunger got the best of him, so his parents whipped out a bag of Cheetos for him to snack on. CHEETOS? Give me a fucking break. CHEETOS?? I hate people....

I have a million stupid parent stories. I work in day care after all. I think one day I will write a book about all the stupid things parents do and say to us day care providers. Here are a few things I have been wanting to say for years:

-I dont care if all your 11 month old wants to eat is grapes and hot dogs, those are choking hazards fucking idiot. They arent even supposed to know what grapes and hot dogs are for crying out loud. That also goes for peanut butter, strawberries, fish, popcorn, all these foods are dangerous for infants! COMMON SENSE people.....

-Bringing your baby to school after shots-frowned upon. Imagine you are 15 pounds of love, and someone just jabbed you with 1-3 needles, and dumped you off in a place where there are 7 other kids, some screaming, some trying to crawl over your injured body, some whacking you upside the head with a toy.. Im sure all you want is a comfy cozy lap, some TLC, a little quiet place to recover. Your day care providers would really rather you took the rest of the day off. Or at the very least, give them some tylenol....and yes, I understand you cant take too much time off of work, job is important, sick leave is limited...blah, blah, blah.....I really dont want to hear that crap. Its your baby!!

- Bedroom slippers are not appropriate footwear for 4 year old children. At preschool, we are running, jumping, riding bikes, climbing, playing in the sandbox, etc. Appropriate footwear is appreciated. Also not really acceptable, flip-flops, plastic dress up shoes that came with your halloween costume, mom's high heels....

-it is your responsibility to pack your child a healthy, nutritious lunch on a daily basis. Im not saying get fancy....a main dish, veggie and fruit isnt too much to ask. A hot pocket and gummy bears is not an acceptable lunch.

I honestly could go on, but I will save more for a later day. Again, I hate stupid people....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can I send my stupid people with your stupid people? We can segregate them and perhaps light the whole damn thing on fire.