Well a member of my list was pitching at Petco Park (stadium of my hometown San Diego Padres) and of course, I had tickets to go to the game. Row 11 on the visitors side. I took 140 pictures of this guy. I know 140!?!?! Im a bit obsessed. What am I gonna do with 140 pictures you ask?? I have no clue. For the record, I narrowed it down to 94 pictures, most came out fuzzy, simply because the mere thought of being so close to said player, make me shiver inside. Am I crazy, YES. But you cant accuse me of not being loyal to my players. And for the record, I am happily married, content with my life, but a girl has dreams, some of them sexual and fantasy based, so let me have my moments will you. So for inquiring minds, here is my list, in no particular order
Person in question-Barry Zito of the San Francisco Giants. He also used to play for the Oakland A's, and happens to be from San Diego originally. Hes a bit scruffy, and unkempt, but that just makes him hotter in my book.

Troy Glaus of the St Louis Cardinals, used to play for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Also a home town boy. He was also recently in town, and I was at that game, and I took a great number of pictures of him too, but not as many as I took of Barry.

Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. This one makes me feel like a cradle robber of sorts, since he is only 20, but I cant help it. Hes a cutie

Brody Jenner-reality TV star, also son of Bruce Jenner. He's dreamy....

Jeff Gordon- the best NASCAR driver this world has ever known, and holds a personal record in my world. I have taken over 1000 pictures of him, and will continue to add to my personal collection for as long as I can. The only member of my list that I have had actual physical contact with. Not once,but twice, and actually threatened to throw up on him once.

and last but certainly not least, Matthew McConaughey. No words are necessary

So, yes, I am stalker of sorts, obsessive, but in a good way, and I know what I want. I wonder what would actually happen if I was propositioned by one of these fine men. Hmmm......
Ooo la la, Mar! Thanks for the eye candy! Now I muat know what the rest of your list looks like ;)
HAAHHAHA! did you really tell jeff gordon you were about to throw up on him? hilarious!
i'm with you on matthew mcconaghey (how DO you spell that?) and another favorite, mark ruffalo, i know i'm alone on that one-i think it's his voice. and benjamin bratt because he reminds me of DH.
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