Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Children's Birthday Parties

First off and totally unrelated to my topic, but Im really gonna like it here. I used to blog on myspace, but I had to hold back a bit, due to the fact that I wrote mean and nasty stuff about people there, and mutual friends could read it and share information (after all, high school crap never dies) So Im happy to have my little corner here, where only select few will know about its existance, and I can feel free to express myself (and for the record, I curse ALOT, so if you dont like hearing/reading it, turn back now.)

so back to the topic at hand. I just got an invitation to a one year old's birthday party in the mail. Now, I dont have children (yet) but when I do, I fully intend to throw one of those ridiculously huge and overblown 1st birthday parties. The inflatable jumper thing, goodie bags, two cakes, hundreds of our closest friends, carne asada, the whole works. Thats what you do when its your first born's first birthday. But when its someone elses kid, I just shake my head and think "why the big fan fare? They will never remember this anyway" We all know the party is for the parents, lets be realistic here. But alas, thats not the reason I started this post...

This might just be me, and Lord knows, I dont think like the rest of the world does. But the invite has a catchy little poem on it, which ties into helpful hints on what to buy the birthday child. Hmmmm. Now some might view this as helpful, after all, what do you buy the kid that has everything? Not me, I see it as a tacky reminder that gifts (in appropriate sizes and colors) are what this fiesta is about. Now, while I plan to throw the biggest she-bang this city has seen, I also plan to put "No gifts" on the invites. My future children are going to be spoiled-ass rotten as it is, and I dont need to be overwhelmed with more toys and such. If there was a polite way to write "Please donate to our college fund" I would put that on the invite. But there is absolutely no polite way to make suggestions like that. Buy what you think is appropriate, and if its not to the child's liking or size, that is precisely why God created the gift receipt.

I wonder if my sister-in-law thinks the same way I do. After all, I spare no expense when it comes to my nephews. To make matters worse, their birthdays are just days before Christmas, so she gets overwhelmed all in one month. I am one of those aunties that spoils....and I love it. But I came up with the grand idea to actually start a college fund for my boys, and I have no problem putting money into that. Im a planner, and I like the idea of planning for their future. I really should talk to her about that.....and yes, I know that telling a 9/7/5 year old that he isnt getting presents this year, but instead Auntie is investing in your future, is probably the lamest thing ever heard. So i will continue to buy gifts, just maybe tone it down a bit.

Wow, I get off tangent very easily.....

anyway. I refuse to take any helpful hints, and I will buy a gift of my choosing. If you dont like it......suck it donkey.....


Corrine said...

I would put my own spin on the suggestion poem and buy them something completely off the wall. You know, like a chemistry set, something with explosives. But then, that's just the kind of weirdo I am.

Play Doh!!

The Boss of this page said...

and i hear 1 year olds LOVE anything with glitter involved. i'm sure as a preschool teacher you can find the right ;) gift/art project that requires a buttload of glitter.

Mar said...

Yeah, my mom and my aunt used to do crazy stuff like that to each other. Like buy the loudest most obnoxious toy in the world for each others kids. Or the messiest....LOL! Good times...

Elizabeth Angelo said...

you sound like a terrific auntie!! i have small kids and although we haven't done the big overblown party thing yet, I would feel honored if people even came, let alone brought a gift. :)