Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Gym

So I have been a big slacker when it comes to working out. I used to do yoga with Karin every Tuesday or Thursday. But Karin is being a wanker, and moving to Colorado, so now I dont have a work out buddy. And I dont really like going by myself. But lately, I have noticed that my pants just arent as comfy as they used to be. As a matter of fact, they are starting to cut off my circulation. Some of it is residual baby fat left over from my unfortunate incident. But most of it is because I have been eating nothing but crap lately. Friday, I had 3 hot dogs from Weinerschnitzel for lunch and fried macaroni and cheese for dinner. Yesterday we had In and Out for dinner, today I had chicken enchiladas (not that bad, but not that good either)

Anyway, back on tangent, I went to the gym tonight. Damn, its quite apparent that nobody, and I mean nobody works out on Sunday evenings. I got front row parking, no waiting for the best elliptical machine (the best one is in front of the fan, and the TV that shows anything other than MSNBC) I had the top floor pretty much to myself, just me and my iPod!! Other than the girl that thought she was running some sort of elliptical marathon (gosh I hate those people) while I moved at my own leisurely pace. I did 3 miles!! I also went down and worked on my abs for a bit. Something so satisfying about a good workout. Im so proud of me!! Im gonna strive for yoga on Tuesday. I have to lose this beer gut.

Then I came home to that irritating man I married. The one that disciplined the cat for jumping on the kitchen table 10 times while we were eating dinner by giving him some chicken off his plate??!?!?!?!? What the fuck?? That cat is a thorn in my side, can you see why??


The Boss of this page said...

way to go on working out. i have been a total slacker the entire month of july. and i'm with you on the cat.

Robbyn said...

Yeah, I really, really need to start working out - and I mean start. Good for you! And yoga's awesome, so I hope you'll keep that up. I love my kitties, but def not on the table. Kev has turned the dogs into total obnoxious beggars by always giving them part of his food. I've given up trying to train them b/c he just undoes whatever progress I've made. Grrr!