Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pure happiness

I shouldnt even write about his, as this is the most private, personal aspect of my life. But I have to, because it makes me smile. There is something in my life that is pure happiness, joy, ecstasy, and not a single, solitary soul knows what it is. Although I will never tell what it is, just know that there is something in my life that can make me smile when nothing else in this world can. It brightens up my darkest days, and can chase away all the gloom in the world. I hope everyone has something like this in their life!! So while I have had the worst case of the "blahs" this past week, I couldnt be happier tonight. Some people have a happy place (I have 3-Las Vegas, Maui, and the California Speedway) and some have happy food (macaroni and cheese, bacon) and some have a happy song (Dancing Queen by Abba) and I have all those things plus some!! I guess I am just blessed that way. I just wish that little bundle of happy that I rely on so very much could happen to me everyday, but that would just make me selfish. So I take what I can get. And I appreciate every last moment of it.

I wish I didnt have the blahs so often. Lately, it happens alot more than I wish. Alot of it is the stress of TTC, this I know, and it wont go away til I am pregnant again. Some of it is just life in general. I dont want to be at my job, my friends are unhappy at work as well, not many people seem happy now-a-days, and I wish I could change that for everyone. Im a giver, thats what I do, and I want to give my loved ones the luxury of not worrying! But I am also a realist, and I know its not possible. So I just keep living my life, day by day, hoping for a good one in the midst of the blah ones. I think I will have a good day this weekend. In fact, I know I will.

And thanks to the random stranger that read my blog, and made sweet comments. I wish I knew who you were, and where your blog is, so I can read and comment too. But some people like to be anonymous, and I respect that. But it gives me warm fuzzies to know someone thinks I am awesome, without even knowing me. Its like my message boards, we dont really know each other, but we give undenying love and support to one another. This is a great thing. I love my Triple Threats!!


Robbyn said...

That was a beautiful post, Mar. I'm so glad you have that "happy thing" and that it cheered you up today! My pups have definitely become that for me this last year. I can never stay in a bad mood for long when they're around. I don't know how I survived without them for so long. And I'm not anonymous, but I do think you're awesome!

The Boss of this page said...

i'm so glad you have a happy thing going for you. of course, my curiosity is DIEING to know what it is, but i guess i'll have to let you have your privacy. damn.
have you seen mama mia. i saw it opening night and if i lived close we would go see it again and again and again. i'm the BIGGEST ABBA fan. BIGGEST EVER!

Sandra said...

I guess you're going to see Mamma Mia then???

You blog put a smile on my face now, despite the looming deadline ahead of me, and made me think of the things that also make me happy. I'm glad (and so very very thankful) we have those. And thanks for reminding me!