Sunday, September 21, 2008

Worries, worries, worries.

Neither DH or I have been sleeping well. Its too hot, too cold, to noisy, too quiet. There is never a reason to my sleeping insanity, it just is. I dont know what DH's problem is, until I asked this morning. He is unhappy at his job, he wants to put out his resume and start looking for a new one. WHAT?? Am I overreacting to think this is a terrible time for this to happen?? I mean, I hate that he isnt happy at work, and I do want for him to be at a job that fulfills him, but OMG!! One more thing for me to stress about, and thats all that consumes me right now. Should I start working more hours, and dogpile some more into my savings?? Im sicker than a dog 20 out of 24 hours in a day. I cant work any more than I already am. Or can I? Maybe I should just start sucking it up and do more. I cant stand by and have financial worries on top of the everyday worries that already consume me. UGH!! I know I am overreacting a bit, because this happened last time he wasnt happy at his job, and we made it over this hump with flying colors. He was so supportive when I wanted to quit my job, and I want to be the same for him. But the roles are drastically different here. He is the moneymaker, the provider, the one with benefits. Too many things to worry about here. But he seems so very jolly during the day. Maybe its just a phase?? The unknown scares me with a passion.

I just want to be happy. I want my hubby to be happy. I want us to be a happy, secure family, and in the back of my head I fear I wont be able to be that SAHM mom that I have wanted all my life. Worries, worries, worries......

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