Okay, so my pregnancy countdown ticker says 17 weeks til this little guy is due to arrive. 17 WEEKS!! Im kinda freaking out here. Thats like right around the corner!!
I have no fears that I will be able to handle parenthood okay. But I am deathly afraid of labor, giving birth, pain, bleeding, IV's....things of that nature. I just wish I could wake up one morning and have him magically appear. Yeah right...
Just had to let that out. Im thinking of starting a pregnancy blog, but I suck at this one, so Im pretty sure I will suck at that one too. Hmmm.....besides, he hates when I have the laptop on my lap, so he probably wont stand for more blogging.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yes, I am aware
I am very aware that I am a terrible blogger. I have all these ideas of what to write/blog about, and then end up being a huge flaker!! Maybe I will get some motivation soon. Right now, I just want a nap.
For the record.....I feel pretty good, and Im definitely eating for two!!
Be back later
Yep, I say that now, and later can mean tomorrow, or two months from now! Dont hold your breath.
For the record.....I feel pretty good, and Im definitely eating for two!!
Be back later
Yep, I say that now, and later can mean tomorrow, or two months from now! Dont hold your breath.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Im coming out.....
Okay, its been too long since I posted, and I was supposed to come out with this like a week ago....but here it is....

Yep, there is a baby in my belly.......Today, we are 12 weeks pregnant. I wanted to hit this "safe" milestone before I told people. Not that we are ever "safe" but it makes me feel good that we made it this far.
I have to go eat now.....

Yep, there is a baby in my belly.......Today, we are 12 weeks pregnant. I wanted to hit this "safe" milestone before I told people. Not that we are ever "safe" but it makes me feel good that we made it this far.
I have to go eat now.....
Monday, September 29, 2008
Two more days, and I can reveal my secret (to those that dont know it yet) It will feel good to get it out, and even better that my target date arrived. This makes no sense to many, but it will in two days.
So DH asked tonight if I would mind moving to Irvine. I wouldnt. Its not that far away from here. I mean, I would hate being further away from my family, but its only 1 1/2 hours away. I think we can all survive that. If it means happiness for me and DH and our future family, Im all for it. Besides, I will be near the big mall!! Everyone wants to visit the big mall, all the more reason to come see me, right. Im not worried about it yet, but i think it made him feel better that I was receptive to change. Hey change happens.....it could be worse, we could be moving to Arizona (which is where his parent company is based out of)
I did a not nice thing Sunday, but I feel justified. I watched a lady pull into a parking spot, throw her cigarette butt out the window, then empty her ashtray onto the floor next to her car. She walked into the grocery store. I noticed she left her windows cracked, so I scooped all the butts up and threw them back into her car. Is that rude?? If it is, so is littering, so get over it. There was a trashcan on the way into the store, and thats what its for. Rude people suck. Im mean.....
More to come in two days......
So DH asked tonight if I would mind moving to Irvine. I wouldnt. Its not that far away from here. I mean, I would hate being further away from my family, but its only 1 1/2 hours away. I think we can all survive that. If it means happiness for me and DH and our future family, Im all for it. Besides, I will be near the big mall!! Everyone wants to visit the big mall, all the more reason to come see me, right. Im not worried about it yet, but i think it made him feel better that I was receptive to change. Hey change happens.....it could be worse, we could be moving to Arizona (which is where his parent company is based out of)
I did a not nice thing Sunday, but I feel justified. I watched a lady pull into a parking spot, throw her cigarette butt out the window, then empty her ashtray onto the floor next to her car. She walked into the grocery store. I noticed she left her windows cracked, so I scooped all the butts up and threw them back into her car. Is that rude?? If it is, so is littering, so get over it. There was a trashcan on the way into the store, and thats what its for. Rude people suck. Im mean.....
More to come in two days......
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Worries, worries, worries.
Neither DH or I have been sleeping well. Its too hot, too cold, to noisy, too quiet. There is never a reason to my sleeping insanity, it just is. I dont know what DH's problem is, until I asked this morning. He is unhappy at his job, he wants to put out his resume and start looking for a new one. WHAT?? Am I overreacting to think this is a terrible time for this to happen?? I mean, I hate that he isnt happy at work, and I do want for him to be at a job that fulfills him, but OMG!! One more thing for me to stress about, and thats all that consumes me right now. Should I start working more hours, and dogpile some more into my savings?? Im sicker than a dog 20 out of 24 hours in a day. I cant work any more than I already am. Or can I? Maybe I should just start sucking it up and do more. I cant stand by and have financial worries on top of the everyday worries that already consume me. UGH!! I know I am overreacting a bit, because this happened last time he wasnt happy at his job, and we made it over this hump with flying colors. He was so supportive when I wanted to quit my job, and I want to be the same for him. But the roles are drastically different here. He is the moneymaker, the provider, the one with benefits. Too many things to worry about here. But he seems so very jolly during the day. Maybe its just a phase?? The unknown scares me with a passion.
I just want to be happy. I want my hubby to be happy. I want us to be a happy, secure family, and in the back of my head I fear I wont be able to be that SAHM mom that I have wanted all my life. Worries, worries, worries......
I just want to be happy. I want my hubby to be happy. I want us to be a happy, secure family, and in the back of my head I fear I wont be able to be that SAHM mom that I have wanted all my life. Worries, worries, worries......
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Everything makes me sick.....
and I dont mean physically sick. I just hate how some people in this world just make me sick. I cant just look at certain people, and I feel sick inside. If only people could see what I see, they would understand.
My work had a party yesterday. It was the 12th anniversary of our opening. Each year the party gets a bit more contrived. Its just sad that you can be lacking in basic needs (backed up sink, lightbulbs burnt out, toilet seat that doesnt stay on the toilet) or you can have staff that lack motivation due to lack of appreciation at this place of business. That is easy stuff to take care of. Just a little time and effort on the part of administrative figures. But while they cant take the time to fix the existing problems, they throw themselves 150% into making this party a success. Who cares that your staff is cursing the ground you walk on, and most of us pee on the floor because the light bulb in the staff bathroom is burnt out because you cant take 5 minutes out of your day to replace it. Just make sure this party to please the clients is a huge success. Mostly because you need those donations to keep the place running. Whats the use of having the place running, if you are slowly but surely chasing away all your quality staff?? Just appreciate what you have is all I am saying....
so this party starts at 4:30. All the parents come pick up their kids early, the kids are so excited for a party, there are games, prizes, food, cake, what more can you ask for?? Not much unless you are the last kid that gets picked up for the party. Not much if you are that sad, dejected child that gets to watch the party through the fence, all the while waiting for your mom to come. Party ends at 6:30, mother walks in to pick him up at.....6:30. I have a longstanding history with said mother, so this party is just the tip of the iceberg. I curse the ground she walks on.....
Im tired now....what else is new. I need something good to renew my faith in people, because right now, I am dejected about the state of the world. There are no more manners, common sense, goodness, genuineness, all those things that make people happy. Just once, someone do something that isnt based upon selfish reasoning. Is that too much to ask?
Til next time......
My work had a party yesterday. It was the 12th anniversary of our opening. Each year the party gets a bit more contrived. Its just sad that you can be lacking in basic needs (backed up sink, lightbulbs burnt out, toilet seat that doesnt stay on the toilet) or you can have staff that lack motivation due to lack of appreciation at this place of business. That is easy stuff to take care of. Just a little time and effort on the part of administrative figures. But while they cant take the time to fix the existing problems, they throw themselves 150% into making this party a success. Who cares that your staff is cursing the ground you walk on, and most of us pee on the floor because the light bulb in the staff bathroom is burnt out because you cant take 5 minutes out of your day to replace it. Just make sure this party to please the clients is a huge success. Mostly because you need those donations to keep the place running. Whats the use of having the place running, if you are slowly but surely chasing away all your quality staff?? Just appreciate what you have is all I am saying....
so this party starts at 4:30. All the parents come pick up their kids early, the kids are so excited for a party, there are games, prizes, food, cake, what more can you ask for?? Not much unless you are the last kid that gets picked up for the party. Not much if you are that sad, dejected child that gets to watch the party through the fence, all the while waiting for your mom to come. Party ends at 6:30, mother walks in to pick him up at.....6:30. I have a longstanding history with said mother, so this party is just the tip of the iceberg. I curse the ground she walks on.....
Im tired now....what else is new. I need something good to renew my faith in people, because right now, I am dejected about the state of the world. There are no more manners, common sense, goodness, genuineness, all those things that make people happy. Just once, someone do something that isnt based upon selfish reasoning. Is that too much to ask?
Til next time......
Friday, September 5, 2008
Lacking motivation or just LAZY??
Man, I have never been known to be this lazy. Dont get me wrong, I am so LAZY....I will sleep til noon if given the chance, many days I dont get out of my PJ's til about an hour before Mike comes home from work, I only work 3 days a week, but I still complain about how tired I am (sssshhhhhh......we know why, but shhhh)
It doesnt help matters that my computers have been struck by a virus, and Mike has been working feverishly for a week to clean them all up. So I have had limited time online, and when I get on, I check for friend updates, and have been terrible about returning correspondence. Yep...Lazy. After about 15 or so minutes of reading, I need a nap.
I know its bad, because on a normal post-race ride home, Im sadder than sad. I hate to leave the track. I drag my feet, I make my hubby and friends roam through souvenier trailers, even if Im not buying anything. I stand in the bleachers and take random pictures, just to absorb the moment for just a second more. After this past race, I couldnt get home fast enough. I actually wanted to leave halfway through (mostly because Jeff Gordon did so crappy but also because I wanted to take a nap) I think I need some nap therapy....
So I have to go to bed now. Im sorry for those of you that come by and want something interesting to read, or the occasional amusing post. I just dont have it in me right now. I hope to have it back soon.....very soon. Im tired of me already...
and for the record. I look at my traffic feed, and I recognize most of you. But there is one visitor that is driving me nuts, mainly because I dont know who you are, and I wonder why you visit my blog. You should say hi.....
:) :) :)
It doesnt help matters that my computers have been struck by a virus, and Mike has been working feverishly for a week to clean them all up. So I have had limited time online, and when I get on, I check for friend updates, and have been terrible about returning correspondence. Yep...Lazy. After about 15 or so minutes of reading, I need a nap.
I know its bad, because on a normal post-race ride home, Im sadder than sad. I hate to leave the track. I drag my feet, I make my hubby and friends roam through souvenier trailers, even if Im not buying anything. I stand in the bleachers and take random pictures, just to absorb the moment for just a second more. After this past race, I couldnt get home fast enough. I actually wanted to leave halfway through (mostly because Jeff Gordon did so crappy but also because I wanted to take a nap) I think I need some nap therapy....
So I have to go to bed now. Im sorry for those of you that come by and want something interesting to read, or the occasional amusing post. I just dont have it in me right now. I hope to have it back soon.....very soon. Im tired of me already...
and for the record. I look at my traffic feed, and I recognize most of you. But there is one visitor that is driving me nuts, mainly because I dont know who you are, and I wonder why you visit my blog. You should say hi.....
:) :) :)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Randomness and Nascar
Yep, the page is down again. Not that I have been posting much lately, I have had alot on my plate. But I still read, and catch up with my Threats. But when its down, i feel so frustrated. But I digress.....
I worked 5 days this week. FIVE days. I havent done that in over 3 months. It really took its toll on my body, my mental health, my emotional health. Im exhausted, to say the least. Working full time is for the birds, haha. I know people have to do it, and I am blessed to not have to. I was doing a good deed, and you know what, it wont happen again. It was just bad timing. Nobody's fault. Just unfortunate circumstances. Onward and upward.
I start school on Monday. Like physically having to go to school. Im taking another online course, and one class that I have on campus. I wonder if I will be the oldest person in my class. Its okay if I am, just makes me more proud of my desire to go back and get that degree. I will have one before I turn 40, mark my words.
I dont have anything really interesting to write about at this time. I mean, I do, but I choose not to talk about it right now, for a variety of reasons. In reality, Im just a tired girl, wanting alot of sleep, and maybe a massage.
But just in case you didnt know, next week, Im going racing friends!! Its my race weekend at the Auto Club Speedway (formerly the California Speedway) I will be braving 100 degree weather, for the opportunity to stalk some of my favorite people in the world (Jeff Gordon) Im a dedicated fan. Im also insane, but thats neither here, nor there. I live for this weekend. I get this sense of excitement, almost like I am high! This is my happy place, where I feel complete. All of my senses are alerted, the sights, the smells, the sounds......I cant explain it. While Nascar isnt for everyone, I invite you all to attend a race in person (tv doesnt do it justice) and maybe you can begin to understand how I feel. This week will drag on, til Friday, then the weekend will fly right by. And I will not have this feeling again until next February......sad.....
here are some examples of why my weekend will rock

Here is me and Kurt Busch. This was on his personal website. Im a celebrity!!

Here is Brian Vickers, my babies daddy, looking right at me. Yum

The great one....Jeff Gordon. Yep, I was that close to his car, with him inside.
I have a million of these.....but I wont bore you anymore......
I worked 5 days this week. FIVE days. I havent done that in over 3 months. It really took its toll on my body, my mental health, my emotional health. Im exhausted, to say the least. Working full time is for the birds, haha. I know people have to do it, and I am blessed to not have to. I was doing a good deed, and you know what, it wont happen again. It was just bad timing. Nobody's fault. Just unfortunate circumstances. Onward and upward.
I start school on Monday. Like physically having to go to school. Im taking another online course, and one class that I have on campus. I wonder if I will be the oldest person in my class. Its okay if I am, just makes me more proud of my desire to go back and get that degree. I will have one before I turn 40, mark my words.
I dont have anything really interesting to write about at this time. I mean, I do, but I choose not to talk about it right now, for a variety of reasons. In reality, Im just a tired girl, wanting alot of sleep, and maybe a massage.
But just in case you didnt know, next week, Im going racing friends!! Its my race weekend at the Auto Club Speedway (formerly the California Speedway) I will be braving 100 degree weather, for the opportunity to stalk some of my favorite people in the world (Jeff Gordon) Im a dedicated fan. Im also insane, but thats neither here, nor there. I live for this weekend. I get this sense of excitement, almost like I am high! This is my happy place, where I feel complete. All of my senses are alerted, the sights, the smells, the sounds......I cant explain it. While Nascar isnt for everyone, I invite you all to attend a race in person (tv doesnt do it justice) and maybe you can begin to understand how I feel. This week will drag on, til Friday, then the weekend will fly right by. And I will not have this feeling again until next February......sad.....
here are some examples of why my weekend will rock

Here is me and Kurt Busch. This was on his personal website. Im a celebrity!!

Here is Brian Vickers, my babies daddy, looking right at me. Yum

The great one....Jeff Gordon. Yep, I was that close to his car, with him inside.
I have a million of these.....but I wont bore you anymore......
Thursday, August 14, 2008
If you dont know what that means, then you arent supposed to know. So there...:P
Tomorrow is 11dpo.....should I POAS, or not? Normally I am a waiter, last time around I waited til 16dpo......but this time...ugh....I dont wanna wait. Im confused....and torn.....tune in tomorrow.
Tomorrow is 11dpo.....should I POAS, or not? Normally I am a waiter, last time around I waited til 16dpo......but this time...ugh....I dont wanna wait. Im confused....and torn.....tune in tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Overly sensitive
I never considered myself an overly sensitive person. In fact my closest friends used to label me "dead inside" because I never looked like I felt any emotions. In all actuality, I feel deeply, I just hold everything in. I dont want people to know how I am feeling....if I want you to know, I will tell you. And lately (when I say lately, I mean in the last year or so) I have become so sensitive, and I get my feelings hurt easily. But I still am unable to convey these feelings. And more often than not, I overanalyze whatever it is that I am feeling sensitive about, and try to convince myself that I am overreacting to things.
Maybe I am, but what if Im not. Most days, Im looking for validation. Tell me something good. Tell me Im a good wife, sister, daughter, friend, acquaintance, teacher. Something to make me feel that I am someone of worth. I dont need it everyday, but every once in awhile would be great. Especially if you notice I am doing something out of the ordinary, or overly spectacular.
(for the record, Karen is wonderful at this. She tells me how much she misses me when Im not at work, and this does wonders for me. Her friendship is so valuable to me, some days it really makes me feel like a million bucks)
I think after my loss, I felt like quite the failure at life. I couldnt keep my baby safe, therefore, I cant do anything right. Im pretty sure this is normal (thats what my therapist says, anyway) but it doesnt make me feel any better. Im not sure what I am asking for, but I wish I could react less to things that probably dont matter in the grand scheme of things. I need to quit being a "thoughter" Maybe its just PMS, or maybe its not....PMS is a cop out, i didnt mean to use it as an excuse for having feelings. Sometimes, I liked it better when I was dead inside.....
Maybe I am, but what if Im not. Most days, Im looking for validation. Tell me something good. Tell me Im a good wife, sister, daughter, friend, acquaintance, teacher. Something to make me feel that I am someone of worth. I dont need it everyday, but every once in awhile would be great. Especially if you notice I am doing something out of the ordinary, or overly spectacular.
(for the record, Karen is wonderful at this. She tells me how much she misses me when Im not at work, and this does wonders for me. Her friendship is so valuable to me, some days it really makes me feel like a million bucks)
I think after my loss, I felt like quite the failure at life. I couldnt keep my baby safe, therefore, I cant do anything right. Im pretty sure this is normal (thats what my therapist says, anyway) but it doesnt make me feel any better. Im not sure what I am asking for, but I wish I could react less to things that probably dont matter in the grand scheme of things. I need to quit being a "thoughter" Maybe its just PMS, or maybe its not....PMS is a cop out, i didnt mean to use it as an excuse for having feelings. Sometimes, I liked it better when I was dead inside.....
Friday, August 8, 2008
I hate stupid people
You know, I say this quite often. I wish someone would just pack up all stupid people and put them all on one island. That way us intelligent people wouldnt have to be irritated with such idiocracy on a daily basis. Here are a few cases in point:
For the record, yes, I am well aware that I am not a parent (yet). I hate people that tell me not to judge their parenting skills because "you havent been there" That may in fact be true, but I do have one thing going for me, its called common sense. I dont think you need to be a parent to utilize that tool. So here goes
Hubby and I went out to breakfast last weekend. The restaurant we ate at has quite a long wait on weekends. We are aware of this, and we deal with it. There is a starbucks right next door, we buy a coffee, and wait patiently. Anyway, off tangent again.....so this family is waiting, right along with us. They had a young child maybe 2ish, not older than that. I guess he didnt appreciate the long wait, hunger got the best of him, so his parents whipped out a bag of Cheetos for him to snack on. CHEETOS? Give me a fucking break. CHEETOS?? I hate people....
I have a million stupid parent stories. I work in day care after all. I think one day I will write a book about all the stupid things parents do and say to us day care providers. Here are a few things I have been wanting to say for years:
-I dont care if all your 11 month old wants to eat is grapes and hot dogs, those are choking hazards fucking idiot. They arent even supposed to know what grapes and hot dogs are for crying out loud. That also goes for peanut butter, strawberries, fish, popcorn, all these foods are dangerous for infants! COMMON SENSE people.....
-Bringing your baby to school after shots-frowned upon. Imagine you are 15 pounds of love, and someone just jabbed you with 1-3 needles, and dumped you off in a place where there are 7 other kids, some screaming, some trying to crawl over your injured body, some whacking you upside the head with a toy.. Im sure all you want is a comfy cozy lap, some TLC, a little quiet place to recover. Your day care providers would really rather you took the rest of the day off. Or at the very least, give them some tylenol....and yes, I understand you cant take too much time off of work, job is important, sick leave is limited...blah, blah, blah.....I really dont want to hear that crap. Its your baby!!
- Bedroom slippers are not appropriate footwear for 4 year old children. At preschool, we are running, jumping, riding bikes, climbing, playing in the sandbox, etc. Appropriate footwear is appreciated. Also not really acceptable, flip-flops, plastic dress up shoes that came with your halloween costume, mom's high heels....
-it is your responsibility to pack your child a healthy, nutritious lunch on a daily basis. Im not saying get fancy....a main dish, veggie and fruit isnt too much to ask. A hot pocket and gummy bears is not an acceptable lunch.
I honestly could go on, but I will save more for a later day. Again, I hate stupid people....
For the record, yes, I am well aware that I am not a parent (yet). I hate people that tell me not to judge their parenting skills because "you havent been there" That may in fact be true, but I do have one thing going for me, its called common sense. I dont think you need to be a parent to utilize that tool. So here goes
Hubby and I went out to breakfast last weekend. The restaurant we ate at has quite a long wait on weekends. We are aware of this, and we deal with it. There is a starbucks right next door, we buy a coffee, and wait patiently. Anyway, off tangent again.....so this family is waiting, right along with us. They had a young child maybe 2ish, not older than that. I guess he didnt appreciate the long wait, hunger got the best of him, so his parents whipped out a bag of Cheetos for him to snack on. CHEETOS? Give me a fucking break. CHEETOS?? I hate people....
I have a million stupid parent stories. I work in day care after all. I think one day I will write a book about all the stupid things parents do and say to us day care providers. Here are a few things I have been wanting to say for years:
-I dont care if all your 11 month old wants to eat is grapes and hot dogs, those are choking hazards fucking idiot. They arent even supposed to know what grapes and hot dogs are for crying out loud. That also goes for peanut butter, strawberries, fish, popcorn, all these foods are dangerous for infants! COMMON SENSE people.....
-Bringing your baby to school after shots-frowned upon. Imagine you are 15 pounds of love, and someone just jabbed you with 1-3 needles, and dumped you off in a place where there are 7 other kids, some screaming, some trying to crawl over your injured body, some whacking you upside the head with a toy.. Im sure all you want is a comfy cozy lap, some TLC, a little quiet place to recover. Your day care providers would really rather you took the rest of the day off. Or at the very least, give them some tylenol....and yes, I understand you cant take too much time off of work, job is important, sick leave is limited...blah, blah, blah.....I really dont want to hear that crap. Its your baby!!
- Bedroom slippers are not appropriate footwear for 4 year old children. At preschool, we are running, jumping, riding bikes, climbing, playing in the sandbox, etc. Appropriate footwear is appreciated. Also not really acceptable, flip-flops, plastic dress up shoes that came with your halloween costume, mom's high heels....
-it is your responsibility to pack your child a healthy, nutritious lunch on a daily basis. Im not saying get fancy....a main dish, veggie and fruit isnt too much to ask. A hot pocket and gummy bears is not an acceptable lunch.
I honestly could go on, but I will save more for a later day. Again, I hate stupid people....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Are you kidding part 2......
You know, people really should give a 24 hour notice when things like this are gonna happen. I am a planner by nature. I like notice, it makes me happy. Then I can plan my day around things. On my stay home days, I peruse Ovusoft, reading nonsense, chatting with my girls, being overall nosy. Now, who knows when the maintanence is going to be over.....this bites the big one. Now I must go spend money or something productive like that, to kill time....LOL! Shopping is dangerous....especially now that I only work part time. Ugh.....
Hi Threats.....xoxoxoxoxox......
Hi Threats.....xoxoxoxoxox......
Monday, August 4, 2008
Obsessed?? Maybe.....
So everyone has things in their life that they are passionate about. I dont mean hobbies, or things you enjoy doing, I mean PASSIONATE!! Like rip someones clothes off and make sweet love to them passionate. Remember that episode of "Friends" where they have the list of 5 people you are allowed to have sex with and your significant other cant be mad about?? Well, I am very passionate about my list!! And I have more than 5....but less than 10. My list consists of mainly sports figures, with a few celebrities thrown into the mix.
Well a member of my list was pitching at Petco Park (stadium of my hometown San Diego Padres) and of course, I had tickets to go to the game. Row 11 on the visitors side. I took 140 pictures of this guy. I know 140!?!?! Im a bit obsessed. What am I gonna do with 140 pictures you ask?? I have no clue. For the record, I narrowed it down to 94 pictures, most came out fuzzy, simply because the mere thought of being so close to said player, make me shiver inside. Am I crazy, YES. But you cant accuse me of not being loyal to my players. And for the record, I am happily married, content with my life, but a girl has dreams, some of them sexual and fantasy based, so let me have my moments will you. So for inquiring minds, here is my list, in no particular order
Person in question-Barry Zito of the San Francisco Giants. He also used to play for the Oakland A's, and happens to be from San Diego originally. Hes a bit scruffy, and unkempt, but that just makes him hotter in my book.

Troy Glaus of the St Louis Cardinals, used to play for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Also a home town boy. He was also recently in town, and I was at that game, and I took a great number of pictures of him too, but not as many as I took of Barry.

Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. This one makes me feel like a cradle robber of sorts, since he is only 20, but I cant help it. Hes a cutie

Brody Jenner-reality TV star, also son of Bruce Jenner. He's dreamy....

Jeff Gordon- the best NASCAR driver this world has ever known, and holds a personal record in my world. I have taken over 1000 pictures of him, and will continue to add to my personal collection for as long as I can. The only member of my list that I have had actual physical contact with. Not once,but twice, and actually threatened to throw up on him once.

and last but certainly not least, Matthew McConaughey. No words are necessary

So, yes, I am stalker of sorts, obsessive, but in a good way, and I know what I want. I wonder what would actually happen if I was propositioned by one of these fine men. Hmmm......
Well a member of my list was pitching at Petco Park (stadium of my hometown San Diego Padres) and of course, I had tickets to go to the game. Row 11 on the visitors side. I took 140 pictures of this guy. I know 140!?!?! Im a bit obsessed. What am I gonna do with 140 pictures you ask?? I have no clue. For the record, I narrowed it down to 94 pictures, most came out fuzzy, simply because the mere thought of being so close to said player, make me shiver inside. Am I crazy, YES. But you cant accuse me of not being loyal to my players. And for the record, I am happily married, content with my life, but a girl has dreams, some of them sexual and fantasy based, so let me have my moments will you. So for inquiring minds, here is my list, in no particular order
Person in question-Barry Zito of the San Francisco Giants. He also used to play for the Oakland A's, and happens to be from San Diego originally. Hes a bit scruffy, and unkempt, but that just makes him hotter in my book.

Troy Glaus of the St Louis Cardinals, used to play for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Also a home town boy. He was also recently in town, and I was at that game, and I took a great number of pictures of him too, but not as many as I took of Barry.

Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. This one makes me feel like a cradle robber of sorts, since he is only 20, but I cant help it. Hes a cutie

Brody Jenner-reality TV star, also son of Bruce Jenner. He's dreamy....

Jeff Gordon- the best NASCAR driver this world has ever known, and holds a personal record in my world. I have taken over 1000 pictures of him, and will continue to add to my personal collection for as long as I can. The only member of my list that I have had actual physical contact with. Not once,but twice, and actually threatened to throw up on him once.

and last but certainly not least, Matthew McConaughey. No words are necessary

So, yes, I am stalker of sorts, obsessive, but in a good way, and I know what I want. I wonder what would actually happen if I was propositioned by one of these fine men. Hmmm......
Sunday, August 3, 2008
What the hell??
How am I supposed to survive when my core website is down for maintenance?? Im dying over here.....
Thats it I have 10 things to blog about, but not right now. haha.....
Thats it I have 10 things to blog about, but not right now. haha.....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
If you dont have anything nice to say
So I have been in such a crappy mood this past week, its common knowledge. Men are dumb, and are irritating and tend to make me pissy. We are told in our child development classes that if you have to tell a parent something negative about their child, you must preface it with something positive, so the person doesnt feel attacked. Well, someone should teach my husband that, since almost every day this week, he came home from work and greeted me with something negative or critical. Damn, dont bother to notice I cleaned the bathroom, or that I cut my hair, or anything productive I did. But please make sure you tell me where my laundry basket should/shouldnt be or not to put loose trash in the trash can, or to make sure I dont lose the letter he threw in the doorway (so he doesnt forget to mail it) I might just be a bit sensitive, but this went on most of the week. Lets just chalk it up to bad day at work.
But we ended up having a great weekend. Started off Friday night, we went to Buca Di Beppo for dinner and "shared" a bottle of wine (meaning hubby had 1 1/2 glasses and I had the rest of the bottle)
Saturday we took the nephews to Sea World, which was fun, exhausting, and brought back great memories of our wedding day (we got married at Sea World almost 2 years ago) (for a bit of privacy nephew #1 is Beeps, Nephew #2 is ADA) So Beeps is recovering from some extensive surgery, and cant walk well, so it made our pace slow and steady. ADA is a ball of energy, cant stand still for a minute, is bored easily. So 2 very different personalities, at a theme park, in the peak tourist season. Very challenging, yet so rewarding. We watched two shows, rode Wild Arctic, petted stingrays. We didnt get to ride any of the other rides, mainly because the lines were crazy long (still a 60 minute wait at 7 at night!!) but I just love being around them. They are so much fun, and I like when hubby hangs out with them too. He hasnt been exposed to kids much, so this is like training for him. Then we went to Fuddruckers for dinner. Now I can write a book of quotes the boys say when we are together. They are so smart, and learning how to be sarcastic (just like their auntie). Here is a gem.
We started talking about Obama. I asked them if they could vote, who would they vote for. ADA (who is 6) says O-rock Obama, and Beeps (who is 8) says McCain. I asked why McCain, and he says "Because he doesnt have alot of people voting for him and I feel bad" LOL!! Hes so loving and sensitive!
Today we saw the Dark Knight. Pretty good movie, Heath Ledger was amazing. I had some short ribs in the crock pot waiting for dinner. I wish I could get things right. The taste just wasnt where I wanted it to be, and they didnt just fall off the bone like they were supposed to. Things like this make me feel like a failure as a wife.....
Okay, this turned into a novel. Time for bed!
But we ended up having a great weekend. Started off Friday night, we went to Buca Di Beppo for dinner and "shared" a bottle of wine (meaning hubby had 1 1/2 glasses and I had the rest of the bottle)
Saturday we took the nephews to Sea World, which was fun, exhausting, and brought back great memories of our wedding day (we got married at Sea World almost 2 years ago) (for a bit of privacy nephew #1 is Beeps, Nephew #2 is ADA) So Beeps is recovering from some extensive surgery, and cant walk well, so it made our pace slow and steady. ADA is a ball of energy, cant stand still for a minute, is bored easily. So 2 very different personalities, at a theme park, in the peak tourist season. Very challenging, yet so rewarding. We watched two shows, rode Wild Arctic, petted stingrays. We didnt get to ride any of the other rides, mainly because the lines were crazy long (still a 60 minute wait at 7 at night!!) but I just love being around them. They are so much fun, and I like when hubby hangs out with them too. He hasnt been exposed to kids much, so this is like training for him. Then we went to Fuddruckers for dinner. Now I can write a book of quotes the boys say when we are together. They are so smart, and learning how to be sarcastic (just like their auntie). Here is a gem.
We started talking about Obama. I asked them if they could vote, who would they vote for. ADA (who is 6) says O-rock Obama, and Beeps (who is 8) says McCain. I asked why McCain, and he says "Because he doesnt have alot of people voting for him and I feel bad" LOL!! Hes so loving and sensitive!
Today we saw the Dark Knight. Pretty good movie, Heath Ledger was amazing. I had some short ribs in the crock pot waiting for dinner. I wish I could get things right. The taste just wasnt where I wanted it to be, and they didnt just fall off the bone like they were supposed to. Things like this make me feel like a failure as a wife.....
Okay, this turned into a novel. Time for bed!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pure happiness
I shouldnt even write about his, as this is the most private, personal aspect of my life. But I have to, because it makes me smile. There is something in my life that is pure happiness, joy, ecstasy, and not a single, solitary soul knows what it is. Although I will never tell what it is, just know that there is something in my life that can make me smile when nothing else in this world can. It brightens up my darkest days, and can chase away all the gloom in the world. I hope everyone has something like this in their life!! So while I have had the worst case of the "blahs" this past week, I couldnt be happier tonight. Some people have a happy place (I have 3-Las Vegas, Maui, and the California Speedway) and some have happy food (macaroni and cheese, bacon) and some have a happy song (Dancing Queen by Abba) and I have all those things plus some!! I guess I am just blessed that way. I just wish that little bundle of happy that I rely on so very much could happen to me everyday, but that would just make me selfish. So I take what I can get. And I appreciate every last moment of it.
I wish I didnt have the blahs so often. Lately, it happens alot more than I wish. Alot of it is the stress of TTC, this I know, and it wont go away til I am pregnant again. Some of it is just life in general. I dont want to be at my job, my friends are unhappy at work as well, not many people seem happy now-a-days, and I wish I could change that for everyone. Im a giver, thats what I do, and I want to give my loved ones the luxury of not worrying! But I am also a realist, and I know its not possible. So I just keep living my life, day by day, hoping for a good one in the midst of the blah ones. I think I will have a good day this weekend. In fact, I know I will.
And thanks to the random stranger that read my blog, and made sweet comments. I wish I knew who you were, and where your blog is, so I can read and comment too. But some people like to be anonymous, and I respect that. But it gives me warm fuzzies to know someone thinks I am awesome, without even knowing me. Its like my message boards, we dont really know each other, but we give undenying love and support to one another. This is a great thing. I love my Triple Threats!!
I wish I didnt have the blahs so often. Lately, it happens alot more than I wish. Alot of it is the stress of TTC, this I know, and it wont go away til I am pregnant again. Some of it is just life in general. I dont want to be at my job, my friends are unhappy at work as well, not many people seem happy now-a-days, and I wish I could change that for everyone. Im a giver, thats what I do, and I want to give my loved ones the luxury of not worrying! But I am also a realist, and I know its not possible. So I just keep living my life, day by day, hoping for a good one in the midst of the blah ones. I think I will have a good day this weekend. In fact, I know I will.
And thanks to the random stranger that read my blog, and made sweet comments. I wish I knew who you were, and where your blog is, so I can read and comment too. But some people like to be anonymous, and I respect that. But it gives me warm fuzzies to know someone thinks I am awesome, without even knowing me. Its like my message boards, we dont really know each other, but we give undenying love and support to one another. This is a great thing. I love my Triple Threats!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Gym
So I have been a big slacker when it comes to working out. I used to do yoga with Karin every Tuesday or Thursday. But Karin is being a wanker, and moving to Colorado, so now I dont have a work out buddy. And I dont really like going by myself. But lately, I have noticed that my pants just arent as comfy as they used to be. As a matter of fact, they are starting to cut off my circulation. Some of it is residual baby fat left over from my unfortunate incident. But most of it is because I have been eating nothing but crap lately. Friday, I had 3 hot dogs from Weinerschnitzel for lunch and fried macaroni and cheese for dinner. Yesterday we had In and Out for dinner, today I had chicken enchiladas (not that bad, but not that good either)
Anyway, back on tangent, I went to the gym tonight. Damn, its quite apparent that nobody, and I mean nobody works out on Sunday evenings. I got front row parking, no waiting for the best elliptical machine (the best one is in front of the fan, and the TV that shows anything other than MSNBC) I had the top floor pretty much to myself, just me and my iPod!! Other than the girl that thought she was running some sort of elliptical marathon (gosh I hate those people) while I moved at my own leisurely pace. I did 3 miles!! I also went down and worked on my abs for a bit. Something so satisfying about a good workout. Im so proud of me!! Im gonna strive for yoga on Tuesday. I have to lose this beer gut.
Then I came home to that irritating man I married. The one that disciplined the cat for jumping on the kitchen table 10 times while we were eating dinner by giving him some chicken off his plate??!?!?!?!? What the fuck?? That cat is a thorn in my side, can you see why??
Anyway, back on tangent, I went to the gym tonight. Damn, its quite apparent that nobody, and I mean nobody works out on Sunday evenings. I got front row parking, no waiting for the best elliptical machine (the best one is in front of the fan, and the TV that shows anything other than MSNBC) I had the top floor pretty much to myself, just me and my iPod!! Other than the girl that thought she was running some sort of elliptical marathon (gosh I hate those people) while I moved at my own leisurely pace. I did 3 miles!! I also went down and worked on my abs for a bit. Something so satisfying about a good workout. Im so proud of me!! Im gonna strive for yoga on Tuesday. I have to lose this beer gut.
Then I came home to that irritating man I married. The one that disciplined the cat for jumping on the kitchen table 10 times while we were eating dinner by giving him some chicken off his plate??!?!?!?!? What the fuck?? That cat is a thorn in my side, can you see why??
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Children's Birthday Parties
First off and totally unrelated to my topic, but Im really gonna like it here. I used to blog on myspace, but I had to hold back a bit, due to the fact that I wrote mean and nasty stuff about people there, and mutual friends could read it and share information (after all, high school crap never dies) So Im happy to have my little corner here, where only select few will know about its existance, and I can feel free to express myself (and for the record, I curse ALOT, so if you dont like hearing/reading it, turn back now.)
so back to the topic at hand. I just got an invitation to a one year old's birthday party in the mail. Now, I dont have children (yet) but when I do, I fully intend to throw one of those ridiculously huge and overblown 1st birthday parties. The inflatable jumper thing, goodie bags, two cakes, hundreds of our closest friends, carne asada, the whole works. Thats what you do when its your first born's first birthday. But when its someone elses kid, I just shake my head and think "why the big fan fare? They will never remember this anyway" We all know the party is for the parents, lets be realistic here. But alas, thats not the reason I started this post...
This might just be me, and Lord knows, I dont think like the rest of the world does. But the invite has a catchy little poem on it, which ties into helpful hints on what to buy the birthday child. Hmmmm. Now some might view this as helpful, after all, what do you buy the kid that has everything? Not me, I see it as a tacky reminder that gifts (in appropriate sizes and colors) are what this fiesta is about. Now, while I plan to throw the biggest she-bang this city has seen, I also plan to put "No gifts" on the invites. My future children are going to be spoiled-ass rotten as it is, and I dont need to be overwhelmed with more toys and such. If there was a polite way to write "Please donate to our college fund" I would put that on the invite. But there is absolutely no polite way to make suggestions like that. Buy what you think is appropriate, and if its not to the child's liking or size, that is precisely why God created the gift receipt.
I wonder if my sister-in-law thinks the same way I do. After all, I spare no expense when it comes to my nephews. To make matters worse, their birthdays are just days before Christmas, so she gets overwhelmed all in one month. I am one of those aunties that spoils....and I love it. But I came up with the grand idea to actually start a college fund for my boys, and I have no problem putting money into that. Im a planner, and I like the idea of planning for their future. I really should talk to her about that.....and yes, I know that telling a 9/7/5 year old that he isnt getting presents this year, but instead Auntie is investing in your future, is probably the lamest thing ever heard. So i will continue to buy gifts, just maybe tone it down a bit.
Wow, I get off tangent very easily.....
anyway. I refuse to take any helpful hints, and I will buy a gift of my choosing. If you dont like it......suck it donkey.....
so back to the topic at hand. I just got an invitation to a one year old's birthday party in the mail. Now, I dont have children (yet) but when I do, I fully intend to throw one of those ridiculously huge and overblown 1st birthday parties. The inflatable jumper thing, goodie bags, two cakes, hundreds of our closest friends, carne asada, the whole works. Thats what you do when its your first born's first birthday. But when its someone elses kid, I just shake my head and think "why the big fan fare? They will never remember this anyway" We all know the party is for the parents, lets be realistic here. But alas, thats not the reason I started this post...
This might just be me, and Lord knows, I dont think like the rest of the world does. But the invite has a catchy little poem on it, which ties into helpful hints on what to buy the birthday child. Hmmmm. Now some might view this as helpful, after all, what do you buy the kid that has everything? Not me, I see it as a tacky reminder that gifts (in appropriate sizes and colors) are what this fiesta is about. Now, while I plan to throw the biggest she-bang this city has seen, I also plan to put "No gifts" on the invites. My future children are going to be spoiled-ass rotten as it is, and I dont need to be overwhelmed with more toys and such. If there was a polite way to write "Please donate to our college fund" I would put that on the invite. But there is absolutely no polite way to make suggestions like that. Buy what you think is appropriate, and if its not to the child's liking or size, that is precisely why God created the gift receipt.
I wonder if my sister-in-law thinks the same way I do. After all, I spare no expense when it comes to my nephews. To make matters worse, their birthdays are just days before Christmas, so she gets overwhelmed all in one month. I am one of those aunties that spoils....and I love it. But I came up with the grand idea to actually start a college fund for my boys, and I have no problem putting money into that. Im a planner, and I like the idea of planning for their future. I really should talk to her about that.....and yes, I know that telling a 9/7/5 year old that he isnt getting presents this year, but instead Auntie is investing in your future, is probably the lamest thing ever heard. So i will continue to buy gifts, just maybe tone it down a bit.
Wow, I get off tangent very easily.....
anyway. I refuse to take any helpful hints, and I will buy a gift of my choosing. If you dont like it......suck it donkey.....
Suck it donkey?
Okay, so many years ago, my nephew's had this toy. It was a plush Shrek toy from the Disney store. If you squeezed its belly, it recited quotes from the movie. So my brother Gooch and I were playing with it one day. We squeezed its belly, and I think it was supposed to say "Stop it Donkey" but what we heard it say was "Suck it donkey". So being the 12 year old children (mentally) that we are, we laughed hysterically. Now when people piss me off I will tell them to "suck it donkey" if I tell you to do something, and you dont want to, I will tell you to "suck it donkey" pretty much, if the situation fits, I will tell you to "suck it donkey" which has kind of become my mantra. My friends use it religiously also so I thought, how fitting for me to name my blog "Suck it donkey" because Im sure I will piss people off at some point in time. However, you are not allowed to tell me to "suck it donkey" on my own blogspot. Unless you are blood related, or named Karen, Denisse, Stacy, Heather or Melissa.
Okay, so that just barely scrapes the surface of who I am. But you will soon get to know and love/hate me. And yes, I do have a brother named Gooch (he would rather we didnt use that childhood nickname anymore, but for blog's sake, he will remain Gooch)
Woohoo, I am officially a blogger. I am full of stories, both new and old, happy and sad, exciting and depressing, but I have been told that no one can tell a story like I can. It probably loses some punch having to write about it rather than tell it out loud, but still. I hope you will read and enjoy!
and I forgot to thank Cheri and Jenn (Pantsie/Panties) for inspiring me to start a blog. Thanks girls. The adventures begin.......
Okay, so that just barely scrapes the surface of who I am. But you will soon get to know and love/hate me. And yes, I do have a brother named Gooch (he would rather we didnt use that childhood nickname anymore, but for blog's sake, he will remain Gooch)
Woohoo, I am officially a blogger. I am full of stories, both new and old, happy and sad, exciting and depressing, but I have been told that no one can tell a story like I can. It probably loses some punch having to write about it rather than tell it out loud, but still. I hope you will read and enjoy!
and I forgot to thank Cheri and Jenn (Pantsie/Panties) for inspiring me to start a blog. Thanks girls. The adventures begin.......

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